Hello, I need some guidance with my child who started to dislike meat and fish in general. He only wants to eat it on specific recipes. He used to eat all kinds of food and i am worried he is not eating enough protein. Is it a problem? He is 2.5 years old.
It’s natural to worry about protein intake when young children start to get selective with food, especially as they enter the toddler years, which can bring changing preferences. A dislike for meat and fish is not uncommon at this stage, and it's generally manageable as long as there are alternative sources of protein and other nutrients.
Since he still eats meat and fish in certain recipes, try to make those meals more frequent while gradually exploring alternative protein-rich foods. Protein is essential for growth, but there are many non-meat sources he may enjoy, such as:
Dairy Products: Milk, cheese, and yogurt contain h...igh-quality protein.
Eggs: A versatile protein source that many toddlers like scrambled or boiled.
Legumes and Beans: Lentils, chickpeas, and beans can be made into dips, soups, or added to pasta.
Nuts and Nut Butters: Peanut butter or almond butter spread on bread or crackers provides protein and healthy fats (as long as he has no allergies).
Whole Grains: Quinoa, oats, and whole wheat bread contain small amounts of protein that add up over the day.
Often, toddlers go through phases where they reject foods they previously loved, but this may pass with time. Keep offering small amounts of various protein foods, and don’t worry if he doesn’t eat them every time. Keep mealtime fun and low-pressure to avoid creating food aversions.
In summary, as long as he’s eating a balanced diet with other protein sources, he should get the nutrients he needs for healthy growth. His preferences may evolve as he continues to explore new foods!
Διάβασε περισσότερα
You could provide many different kind of food with meat and fish included. Do not put pressure on child. He will come back eating fish and meat. No worries if eats reduced amounts for a certain period of time
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