• Αρθροσκόπηση γόνατος
  • Submitted on 13/10/2024

Can I get a hyaluronic acid injection in Athens for knee pain without a new MRI?

Hello, In June, I developed knee pain and difficulty bending my knee. After an MRI in July 2024, a Spanish orthopedic specialist diagnosed me with Grade I patellar chondropathy (no significant abnormalities in ligaments or menisci) and recommended topical treatment for 3 months. He mentioned that if the issue persisted, a hyaluronic acid injection might be needed. It has now been over 3 months, and while the pain has lessened, I still can’t bend my knee without significant discomfort. I’m currently in Athens and unable to return to Spain soon. Can I request a hyaluronic acid injection from an orthopedic specialist here based on my previous diagnosis, or would I need a new MRI? Thank you.

4 specialists answered

  • You could simply have an injection of course but that would just relief your symptoms and not your problem.

    Μουρίκης Ευάγγελος

    Ορθοπαιδικός - Ορθοπαιδικός Χειρουργός - Παιδοορθοπαιδικός - Βελονιστής


  • Normalmente si no han pasado mas de 6 meses desde la ultima Resonancia magnetica, y mientras no haya sucedido algo nuevo como por ejemplo una lesion, no es necesario obtener una nueva. Le recomiendo que visite un ortopedista privado y se deje injectar acido hyaluronico

    Kalkanis Christos

    Ορθοπεδικός Χειρουργός - ​Τραυματιολόγος - Χειρουργός Σπονδυλικής Στήλης


  • There is no need for a new MRI
    You can proceed with the injection

    Αλαφροπάτης Ηλίας

    Orthopaedic - Orthopaedic Surgeon


  • Clinical judgment should suffice. Yes, you can.

    Τσατσαρώνης Χρίστος

    Orthopaedic - Orthopaedic Surgeon


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