• Αρθροσκόπηση γόνατος
  • Submitted on 10/10/2024

Knee Pain with Fabella: Alternatives to Surgery for Ongoing Issues?

Hello, I have pain on my knee this pain now go on from 3 years. Back than I have done an MRI of my knee and was discovered even that I have an extra bone that is called “fabella”, and even the bone was more soft. Now I was to the doctor and without doing an MRI or radiografy ecc said that I need to do a surgery as is a patella issue. Can you tell me if I can do something else before going to surgery. Thank you

3 specialists answered

  • 3 years is a long time that's why I would suggest to have a new mri done

    Kalkanis Christos

    Ορθοπεδικός Χειρουργός - ​Τραυματιολόγος - Χειρουργός Σπονδυλικής Στήλης


  • Yes, you can and it's very important : run away from the doctor that suggested surgery without even any new imaging !

    Τσατσαρώνης Χρίστος

    Orthopaedic - Orthopaedic Surgeon


  • An a MRI scan should be performed prior to selecting surgical treatment

    Αλαφροπάτης Ηλίας

    Orthopaedic - Orthopaedic Surgeon


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