• Anxiety and Stress
  • Submitted on 25/10/2024

Difficulty sleeping and anxiety: speak with a doctor online?

Recently, I've been having difficulty sleeping and feeling anxious. Can I speak with a doctor about this?

5 specialists answered

  • Definitely you can ...just call one. What might be the reason for your anxiety? perhaps all you need is Psychtherapy sessions so you can manage your stress efficiently.

    Apotsos Panagiotis

    Ψυχολόγος - Ψυχοθεραπευτής - Kλινικός ΨυχοΣεξολόγος


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  • Yes, speaking with a doctor about sleep issues and anxiety is a great idea. They can help identify possible causes, like stress, lifestyle factors, or medical conditions, and offer personalized guidance. Wish you the best!

    Νταϊλάκης Παναγιώτης



  • Certainly. Many people experience difficulty sleeping and increased anxiety, and these can often be interconnected. Speaking with a psychologist or mental health professional can be beneficial for understanding the root causes and developing strategies to manage both the anxiety and the sleep disturbances. Often, we look at lifestyle patterns, stressors, and thought processes that may be contributing. Additionally, cognitive-behavioral techniques are quite effective for managing anxiety and improving sleep quality. Starting with a conversation with a mental health professional can be a helpful first step to explore options tailored to your si... Read more

    Αναστοπούλου Φιλίππα

    Κλινική Ψυχολόγος

  • How long have you been experiencing these symptoms? Do you manage to stay functional during the day? If yes, you could speak to a doctor or consult a Psychologist.

    Koulouvardi Stella

    Ψυχολόγος - Ψυχοθεραπεύτρια


  • hello yes you can speak to a doctor or a mental health counselor, doctors can help with the physical sleep and a psychologist can help with the anxiety and maybe underlying issues preventing the sleep which anxiety can do.

    Pliacha Sara

    Psychologist - Mental Health Counselor


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