Please look at the information inside the box of painkillers for recommended dosage or consult your doctor.
Neos Kosmos
You shouldn’t take more than the dose of the written on the medicine.
it depends on the substance and the mg of each pill. Please see the instructions.
For example an adult may take max 4000 mg of paracetamol in one day
How many do you have?
This question has to be asked in the medical section. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
You have to ask your GP about this.
It depends on the problem and the issues that a patient has and need medicine.. as far as it concerns the kind of medicine the painkillers specific, only the doctor knows what to suggest and the kind of this prescription..
Θα πρέπει να συμβουλευτείτε τον οικογενειακό σας ιατρό.
Ψυχοθεραπευτής - Σύμβουλος Ψυχικής Υγείας
Neo Psychiko
How old are you? Is normal to take anything your doctor says.. because I don’t know what is your healthy problem.
Around 3-4 depending on the painkiller, but you should consult a GP
Γεια σας. Απευθυνθείτε στον παθολόγο σας.
It depends on the painkiller. No more than 3-4 most of the times.
Hello, this question is not one that can be answered under this section, since psychotherapists are not qualified to answer about medicines. It would be best to discuss it with a physician.
Nea Filadelfia
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Good evening. I suggest you consult the use instructions of the painkiller.
You should ask a doctor about this.
I am psychologists and i cannot consult you regarding painkillers.
In any case, you should avoid taking more than the prescribed dose in their guidlines.
For further information and for proper use you should visit a doctor.
since my answer is a bit delayed I hope that I find you well and thriving. You are wondering how many painkillers you can take in one day without mentioning the type of painkillers you have at hand, what is happening to you and you are in need of painkillers, how old are you, what is your health condition and what are you feeling (intensity and duration) and you need one.
A practical advice would be to read carefully the instructions of the painkiller you have at hand, use them in moderation and if the pain endures you MUST visit a doctor or a hospital and they will guide you further.
Not all painkillers are the same. Depending on your age, gender and medical condition painkillers can act differently on you and, if you are not careful with them, they may be dangerous. My suggestion is to visit a medical doctor to evaluate your pain and its potential root to give you a more personalized advice.
Good morning. I would propose you ask your general practitioner (pathologist) for this kind of advice. I am at your disposal for any questions regarding psychology and counselling
That is something that should be answered by your medical doctor.
It depends of the drug you take
Good evening,
It's better for you to ask a physician about painkillers, it is not my field of experience.
Unfortunately I am not properly equipped to answer that question. I believe a doctor or a neurologist would be able to help you better. In any case, I would recommend you had a qualified professional closely monitor your pill intake. I hope that helps. Take care.
Υou have to ask your doctor
Ψυχολόγος - Ψυχοθεραπεύτρια
Please refer to your doctor to get a responsible answer. Overuse of pain-killers can risk serious health problems. If you believe that what you are taking now is not enough, please consult a trained professional.
Σύμβουλος Ψυχικής Υγείας
Palaio Faliro
If you are taking psychiatric medication you should consult a licensed psychiatrist.
Jo Grigoriadou, Psychologist, Msc
Do not take any until you ask a doctor face to face this exact question.
Approximately one every 8 hours.
You should read carefully the instructions of the product and consult a doctor
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