doctoranytime plus

Your health deserves the best All your benefits in one place

Explore our health plans

Flexible care options to help you with mental health or instant access for urgent support and ongoing care.

  • MindTime Pro
    360° care for your mental health. Find a mental health specialist that matches your needs and your personality.
  • Instant Care
    Access immediate health support and get highly qualified medical advice from the comfort of your own space

Your health deserves the best

Enjoy unlimited free initial sessions and a 20% discount on consultations with the largest network of psychologists and mental health professionals in Greece! Join doctoranytime+ today for only €49/year.

Your health deserves the best

Get this health plan and enjoy the special benefits and offers

MindTime Pro
49€ /year
MindTime Pro Benefits
  • Free unlimited first sessions until you find the right specialist for you
  • 20% discount in the largest network of mental health specialists in Greece


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Access your MindTime Pro benefits now to make health management easier and friendlier than ever.