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Σύμβουλος ολιστικής διατροφής, Φυτοφαγική Διατροφή, (Plant Based Nutrition), Health Coach, Holistic Nutrition

3 patients' recommendations


Costs are indicative and will be determined on a case by case basis

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From 3 reviews

Reviews by 3 patients
He/she investigated my illness/condition in detail
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24 June 2024
Verified patient
Verified Review 1 review in doctoranytime
Approachable & friendly
Experienced & qualified
He/she was trustworthy
He/she investigated my illness/condition in detail
It's been 6 months since I started cooperating with Anna Lisa and I feel like a different person already. Her expertise is also really helpful with my thyroid serious issues. She is more than a professional and every session with her is a masterclass. Absolutely recommended to everyone.
23 June 2024
Verified patient
Verified Review 1 review in doctoranytime
Approachable & friendly
Experienced & qualified
He/she was trustworthy
He/she investigated my illness/condition in detail
I am incredibly grateful to Annalisa for helping me slim down and lose 8 kilos after I had my second daughter. Her guidance and expertise have had a huge impact on my life, and even after a few years, I still feel the benefits of the path we followed together. Without her, I know I would have never made it. Annalisa helped me change my diet in a way that was not only effective but also sustainable. She is so knowledgeable and always prepared to answer any questions! One of the things I appreciated most about working with Annalisa is her flexibility. She offers a program that adjusts the ingredients/dishes to your liking, making it much easier to stick to the plan! Also, she breaks down complex concepts into manageable steps, making the entire process feel achievable and less daunting -- and this made all the difference for me. I highly recommend Annalisa to anyone looking to make a positive change in their health and lifestyle. Thank you, Annalisa, for everything!
20 June 2024
Verified patient
Verified Review 1 review in doctoranytime
Approachable & friendly
Experienced & qualified
He/she was trustworthy
He/she investigated my illness/condition in detail
Τα τελευταία χρόνια, ξεκίνησα μια πορεία βελτίωσης της διατροφής μου και κατανόησης του τρόπου με τον οποίο αυτή επηρεάζει την υγεία μου. Σε αυτό το ταξίδι, η Annalisa υπήρξε η κύρια πηγή γνώσης και υποστήριξής μου. Με βοήθησε να επανασυνδεθώ με πιο υγιεινές διατροφικές συνήθειες στην απαιτητική καθημερινότητά μου. Χάρη στην καθοδήγησή της, διαχειρίστηκα καλύτερα το άγχος μου και είδα σημαντικές βελτιώσεις στην υγεία μου. Συνιστώ ανεπιφύλακτα την Annalisa σε όποιον αναζητά έναν φιλικό και καταρτισμένο σύμβουλο στο μονοπάτι προς την καλύτερη διατροφή και υγεία.

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  • Payment Methods

    Bank Card

    Appointment Policy

    • Payment Options
      You can select online payment during booking or pay for the appointment at the specialist's practice.
    • Cancellation
      You can always cancel up to 3 hours before the appointment. In case of online payment you will receive a refund. For more information please read our cancellation and refund policy.

Curriculum Vitae and Career


  • Master Degree, Universita' Cattolica di Milano, Ψυχολογία (1998 - 2003)
  • diploma, NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition, Holistic Nutrition and Health Coaching (2017 - 2019)
  • diploma, Nutraphoria School of Holistic Nutrition, Plant Based Specialist (2021 - 2022)

Spoken languages

  • English
  • Italian
  • French
  • Greek
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