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H Δρ. Παυλίδου Ελένη είναι Κλινική Διαιτολόγος - Διατροφολόγος και διατηρεί ιδιωτικό Διαιτολογικό Κέντρο στη Δράμα. Είναι Διδάκτωρ του Πανεπιστημίου Αιγαίου και Μεταδιδακτορική Ερευνήτρια Διατροφής και Υγείας του Ανθρώπου στο ίδιο πανεπιστήμιο. Σπούδασε στο Τμήμα Διατροφής και Διαιτολογίας του Αλεξάνδρειου Τεχνολογικού Εκπαιδευτικού Ιδρύματος Θεσσαλονίκης και ακολούθως ολοκλήρωσε τις μετραπτυχιακές της σπουδές (M.Sc.) στην Επιδημιολογία και Ποιότητα Υπηρεσιών Υγείας. Ακόμη, είναι Πιστοποιημένη Ειδικός στις Διατροφικές Διαταραχές και την Παχυσαρκία. Διαθέτει πολυετή κλινική εμπειρία και εργάζεται στο Δημόσιο Σύστημα Υγείας. Τέλος, διαθέτει αξιόλογη επιστημονική κατάρτιση η οποία αποτυπώνεται στο πλήθος των δημοσιεύσεων, στις διακρίσεις και τις βραβεύσεις αυτών στις διατροφικές πολιτικές και παρεμβάσεις σε ατομικό και πληθυσμιακό-κοινωνικό επίπεδο.

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


Relative Experience

  • Athletic nutrition
  • Clinical dietetics
  • Eating disorders
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Obesity & metabolism
  • Διατροφογενετική
  • Pregnancy - breastfeeding

Πολυετής εμπειρία στον τομέα της υγείας και της διατροφής σε κλινικό και ερευνητικό περιβάλλον

6 patients' recommendations


Costs are indicative and will be determined on a case by case basis

Does not provide e-prescription

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Stauroula • 1 review
19 October 2024

Ξένια Τζένη • 1 review
Άριστα καταρτισμένη πολύ εξυπηρετική σε εμψυχώνει και σε καθοδηγεί κατάλληλα ανάλογα με το ζήτημα που έχεις να διαχειριστείς
30 May 2024

Δημήτρης • 1 review
Πολύ ευχαριστημένος , επαγγελματική αντιμετώπιση
30 May 2024

Agi • 1 review
Η Ελένη είναι ένας άνθρωπος αρχικά κ εξειδικευμένος επιστήμονας στη συνέχεια. Προσεγγίζει ολιστικά τον κάθε πελάτη-ασθενή κ στοχοθετημενα συντάσσει τον διατροφολογία. Είμαι πάρα πολύ ευχαριστημένη κ την ευχαριστώ γιατί κάθε φορά μου μαθαίνει καινούρια πράγματα για καλύτερη κ ποιοτικότερη ζωή. Συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα
30 May 2024

ΒΑΣΩ • 1 review
Είμαι απόλυτα ευχαριστημένη από την Ελένη!!! Είναι εξαιρετική επιστήμονας και άψογη επαγγελματίας!!!
30 May 2024

ΕΛΕΝΗ • 1 review
30 May 2024

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      Μ.Σκορδά 2, Drama, Prefecture of Drama
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Curriculum Vitae and Career


  • Μεταδιδακτορική Έρευνα (PostDoc), , Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου, Τμήμα Επιστήμης Τροφίμων και Διατροφής (2020 - 2023)
  • Διδακτορική Διατριβή (Ph.D.), Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου, Τμήμα Επιστήμης Τροφίμων και Διατροφής (2016 - 2019)
  • Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης, M.Sc, Πανεπιστήμιο της L'Aquila, Ιταλία, Τμήμα Βιοτεχνολογικών και Εφαρμοσμένων Κλινικών Επιστημών (2013 - 2015)
  • Προπτυχιακή Εκπαίδευση (B.Sc), Α.Τ.Ε.Ι. Θεσσαλονίκης, Τμήμα Διατροφής και Διαιτολογίας. (2006 - 2010)

Professional experience

  • Κλινική Διαιτολόγος- Διατροφολόγος, Δημόσιο Σύστημα Υγείας, Ελλάδα (2015 - Σήμερα)
  • Ιδιοκτήτρια και Επιστημονικά Υπεύθυνη του Διαιτολογικού Κέντρου Δρ Ελένη Παυλίδου, Δράμα, Ελλάδα (2024 - Σήμερα)

Organisations member

  • Πανελλήνιος Σύλλογος Διαιτολόγων – Διατροφολόγων

Participation in conferences

  • Παχυσαρκία: Η Σύγχρονη Νόσος, Ελληνική Εταιρεία Μελέτης και Εκπαίδευσης για τον Σακχαρώδη Διαβήτη (2024)

Academic research and publications

  • 1. Pavlidou, E., Papadopoulou, S. K., Antasouras, G., Spanoudaki, M., Mentzelou, M., Dimoliani, S., Tsourouflis, G., Psara, E., Vorvolakos, T., Dakanalis, A., Tryfonos, C., Vadikolias, K., Kyrana, Z., Bisbinas, A., Chrisafi, M., Bisbinas, I., Angelakou, E. P., & Giaginis, C. (2024). Evaluating the sociodemographic, anthropometric and lifestyle parameters, depression, quality of life, cognitive status, physical activity, and Mediterranean diet adherence of older adults in pre- and post-Covid-19 periods: a comparative cross-sectional study. Psychology & health, 1–26. Advance online publication. (2024)
  • 2. Jacovides, C., Papadopoulou, S. K., Pavlidou, E., Dakanalis, A., Alexatou, O., Vorvolakos, T., Lechouritis, E., Papacosta, E., Chrysafi, M., Mitsiou, M., Mentzelou, M., Kosti, R. I., & Giaginis, C. (2024). Association of Pregnant Women's Perinatal Depression with Sociodemographic, Anthropometric and Lifestyle Factors and Perinatal and Postnatal Outcomes: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of clinical medicine, 13(7), 2096. (2024)
  • 3. Mentzelou, M.; Papadopoulou, S.K.; Psara, E.; Voulgaridou, G.; Pavlidou, E.; Androutsos, O.; Giaginis, C. Chrononutrition in the Prevention and Management of Metabolic Disorders: Α Literature Review. Nutrients 2024, 16, 722. (2024)
  • 4. Poulios, E.; Pavlidou, E.; Papadopoulou, S.K.; Rempetsioti, K.; Migdanis, A.; Mentzelou, M.; Chatzidimitriou, M.; Migdanis, I.; Androutsos, O.; Giaginis, C. Probiotics Supplementation during Pregnancy: Can They Exert Potential Beneficial Effects against Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes beyond Gestational Diabetes Mellitus? Biology 2024, 13, 158. (2024)
  • 5. Pavlidou, E.; Poulios, E.; Papadopoulou, S.K.; Fasoulas, A.; Dakanalis, A.; Giaginis, C. Clinical Evidence on the Potential Beneficial Effects of Diet and Dietary Supplements against COVID-19 Infection Risk and Symptoms’ Severity. Med. Sci. 2024, 12, 11. (2024)
  • 6. Pavlidou, E.;Papadopoulou, S.K.; Alexatou, O.; Voulgaridou, G.; Mentzelou, M.; Biskanaki, F.; Psara, E.; Tsourouflis, G.; Lefantzis, N.; Dimoliani, S.; etal. Childhood Mediterranean Diet Adherence Is Associated with Lower Prevalence of Childhood Obesity, Specific Sociodemographic, and Lifestyle Factors: A Cross-Sectional Study in Pre-School Children. Epidemiologia 2024, 5, 11-28. (2023)
  • 7. Pavlidou, E.; Papadopoulou, S.K.; Fasoulas, A.; Papaliagkas, V.; Alexatou, O.; Chatzidimitriou, M.; Mentzelou, M.; Giaginis, C. Diabesity and Dietary Interventions: Evaluating the Impact of Mediterranean Diet and Other Types of Diets on Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Management. Nutrients 2024, 16, 34. (2023)
  • 8. Pavlidou, E.;Papadopoulou, S.K.; Alexatou, O.; Tsourouflis, G.; Antasouras, G.; Louka, A.; Chatziprodromidou, I.P.; Mentzelou, M.; Sampani, A.; Chrysafi, M.; etal. Association of Gestational Hypertension with Sociodemographic and Anthropometric Factors, Perinatal Outcomes, Breastfeeding Practices, and Mediterranean Diet Adherence: A Cross-Sectional Study. Medicina 2023, 59, 2103. (2023)
  • 9. Pavlidou, E.; Papadopoulou, S.K.; Tolia, M.; Mentzelou, M.; Tsoukalas, N.; Alexatou, O.; Tsiouda, T.; Tsourouflis, G.; Psara, E.; Bikos, V.; et al. Association of Mediterranean Diet Adherence with Disease Progression Characteristics, Lifestyle Factors and Overall Survival in Gastric Cancer Patients. Med. Sci. 2023, 11, 74. (2023)
  • 10. Pavlidou, E.;Papadopoulou, S.K.; Antasouras, G.; Vorvolakos, T.; Alexatou, O.; Tsourouflis, G.; Angelakou, E.-P.; Serdari, A.; Grammatikopoulou, M.G.; Psara, E.; etal. Association of COVID-19 Infection with Sociodemographic, Anthropometric and Lifestyle Factors: A Cross-Sectional Study in an Older Adults’ Population Aged over 65 Years Old. Diseases 2023, 11, 165. (2023)
  • 11. Tryfonos, C.; Pavlidou, E.; Vorvolakos, T.; Alexatou, O.; Vadikolias, K.; Mentzelou, M.; Tsourouflis, G.; Serdari, A.; Antasouras, G.; Papadopoulou, S. K.; Aggelakou, E. P.; Giaginis, C. Association of Higher Mediterranean Diet Adherence With Lower Prevalence of Disability and Symptom Severity, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Sleep Quality, Cognitive Impairment, and Physical Inactivity in Older Adults With Multiple Sclerosis. J. Geriatr. Psychiatry Neurol. 2023, Advance online publication. (2023)
  • 12. Pavlidou, E.;Antasouras, G.; Papadopoulou, S.K.; Alexatou, O.; Papandreou, D.; Mentzelou, M.; Tsourouflis, G.; Louka, A.; Rodopaios, N.E.; Chrysafi, M., etal. Association of Maternal Risk Factors with the Prevalence of Caesarean Section Deliveries: A Cross-Sectional Study. Med. Sci. 2023, 11(4), 66. (2023)
  • 13. Pavlidou, E.; Papadopoulou, S.K.; Mentzelou, M.; Dakanalis, A.; Vorvolakos, T.; Antasouras, G.; Spanoudaki, M.; Pandi, A.-L.; Serdari, A.; Chrysafi, M., et al. Association of Mediterranean Diet Adherence with Sociodemographic, Anthropometric, and Lifestyle Factors during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study in Greece. Nutrients 2023, 15(19), 4123. (2023)
  • 14. Papadopoulou, S.K.; Pavlidou, E.; Dakanalis, A.; Antasouras, G.; Vorvolakos, T.; Mentzelou, M.; Serdari, A.; Pandi, A.-L.; Spanoudaki, M.; Alexatou, O., et al. Postpartum Depression Is Associated with Maternal Sociodemographic and Anthropometric Characteristics, Perinatal Outcomes, Breastfeeding Practices, and Mediterranean Diet Adherence. Nutrients 2023, 15(17), 3853. (2023)
  • 15. Poulios, E.; Vasios, K.G.; Psara, E.; Antasouras, G.; Gialeli, M.; Pavlidou, E.; Tsantili-Kakoulidou, A.; Troumbis, Y.A.; Giaginis, C. Antioxidant Activity of Medicinal Plants and Herbs of North Aegean, Greece: Current Clinical Evidence and Future Perspectives. Nat. Prod. J. 2024, 14, e230823220232. (2023)
  • 16. Pavlidou, E.; Papandreou, D.; Taha, Z.; Mantzorou, M.; Tyrovolas, S.; Kiortsis, D.N.; Psara, E.; Papadopoulou, S.K.; Yfantis, M.; Spanoudaki, M., et al. Association of Maternal Pre-Pregnancy Overweight and Obesity with Childhood Anthropometric Factors and Perinatal and Postnatal Outcomes: A Cross-Sectional Study. Nutrients 2023, 15(15), 3384. (2023)
  • 17. Christodoulou, E.; Pavlidou, E.; Mantzorou, M.; Koutelidakis, A.; Vadikolias, K.; Psara, E.; Vorvolakos, T.; Antasouras, G.; Serdari, A.; Vasios, G., et al. Depression is associated with worse health-related quality of life, lower physical activity levels, and inadequate sleep quality in a Greek elderly population. Psychol. Health Med. 2023. (2023)
  • 18. Papadopoulou, S.K.; Mentzelou, M.; Pavlidou, E.; Vasios, G.K.; Spanoudaki, M.; Antasouras, G.; Sampani, A.; Psara, E.; Voulgaridou, G.; Tsourouflis, G., et al. Caesarean Section Delivery Is Associated with Childhood Overweight and Obesity, Low Childbirth Weight and Postnatal Complications: A Cross-Sectional Study. Medicina 2023, 59, 664. (2023)
  • 19. Mentzelou, M.; Papadopoulou, S.K.; Papandreou, D.; Spanoudaki, M.; Dakanalis, A.; Vasios, G.K.; Voulgaridou, G.; Pavlidou, E.; Mantzorou, M.; Giaginis, C. Evaluating the Relationship between Circadian Rhythms and Sleep, Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disorders: Current Clinical Evidence in Human Studies. Metabolites 2023, 13, 370. (2023)
  • 20. Dakanalis, A.; Mentzelou, M.; Papadopoulou, S.K., Dimitrios Papandreou.; Maria Spanoudaki.; Georgios K Vasios.; Eleni Pavlidou.; Maria Mantzorou. The Association of Emotional Eating with Overweight/Obesity, Depression, Anxiety/Stress, and Dietary Patterns: A Review of the Current Clinical Evidence. Nutrients 2023, 15(5), 1173. (2023)
  • 21. Mantzorou, M.; Papandreou, D.; Pavlidou, E.; Papadopoulou, S.K.; Tolia, M.; Mentzelou, M.; Poutsidi, A.; Antasouras, G.; Vasios, G.K.; Giaginis, C. Maternal Gestational Diabetes Is Associated with High Risk of Childhood Overweight and Obesity: A Cross-Sectional Study in Pre-School Children Aged 2–5 Years. Medicina 2023, 59(3), 455. (2023)
  • 22. Pavlidou, E.; Papadopoulou, S.K.; Fasoulas, A.; Mantzorou, M.; Giaginis, C. Clinical Evidence of Low-Carbohydrate Diets against Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus. Metabolites 2023, 13(2), 240.
  • (2023)
  • 23. Pavlidou, E.; Papadopoulou, S.K.; Seroglou, K.; Giaginis, C. Revised Harris–Benedict Equation: New Human Resting Metabolic Rate Equation. Metabolites 2023, 13(2), 189.
  • (2023)
  • 24. Papandreou, D.; Pavlidou, E.; Tyrovolas, S.; Mantzorou, M.; Andreou, E.; Psara, E.; Antasouras, G.; Vasios, G.K.; Poulios, E.; Giaginis, C. Relation of Maternal Pre-Pregnancy Factors and Childhood Asthma: A Cross-Sectional Survey in Pre-School Children Aged 2–5 Years Old. Medicina 2023, 59(1), 179. (2023)
  • 25. Papadopoulou, S.K.; Mantzorou, M.; Voulgaridou, G.; Pavlidou, E.; Vadikolias, K.; Antasouras, G.; Vorvolakos, T.; Psara, E.; Vasios, G.K.; Serdari, A., et al. Nutritional Status Is Associated with Health-Related Quality of Life, Physical Activity, and Sleep Quality: A Cross-Sectional Study in an Elderly Greek Population. Nutrients 2023, 15(2), 443. (2023)
  • 26. Pavlidou, E.; Fasoulas, A.; Mantzorou, M.; Giaginis, C. Clinical Evidence on the Potential Beneficial Effects of Probiotics and Prebiotics in Cardiovascular Disease. Int. J. ΜοΙ. Sci.2022, 23, 15898. (2022)
  • 27. Pavlidou, E.; Mantzorou, M.; Tolia, M.; Antasouras, G.; Poutsidi, A.; Psara, E.; Poulios, E.; Fasoulas, A.; Vasios, G.K.; Giaginis, C. Childhood Overweight and Obesity and Abnormal Birth Anthropometric Measures Are Associated with a Higher Prevalence of Childhood Asthma in Preschool Age. J Asthma.2022, Dec 1, 1-10. (2022)
  • 28. Papandreou, D.; Mantzorou, M.; Tyrovolas, S.; Pavlidou, E.; Antasouras, G.; Psara, E.; Poulios, E.; Vasios, G.K.; Giaginis, C. Pre-Pregnancy Excess Weight Association with Maternal Sociodemographic, Anthropometric and Lifestyle Factors and Maternal Perinatal Outcomes. Nutrients.2022, 14(18), 3810. (2022)
  • 29. Mantzorou, M.; Papandreou, D.; Vasios, G.K.; Pavlidou, E.; Antasouras, G.; Psara, E.; Taha, Z.; Poulios, E.; Giaginis, C. Exclusive Breastfeeding for at Least Four Months Is Associated with a Lower Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in Mothers and Their Children after 2–5 Years from Delivery. Nutrients.2022, 14(17), 3599. (2022)
  • 30. Fasoulas, A.; Pavlidou, E.; Kiortsis, D.; Petridis, D.; Mantzorou, M.; Seroglou, K.; Giaginis, C. Preventing Obesity and Promoting Oral Health in School-Aged Children by the Use of Multi-Targeted Programs: A 3-Year Cohort Study. Austin J Dent.2020, 7(2), 1138. (2020)
  • 31. Mantzorou, M.; Vadikolias, K.; Pavlidou, E.; Tryfonos, C.; Vasios, G.; Serdari, A.; Giaginis, C. Mediterranean Diet Adherence Is Associated with Better Cognitive Status and Less Depressive Symptoms in a Greek Elderly Population. Aging Clin Exp Res.2020, (2020)
  • 32. Mantzorou, M.; Tolia, M.; Poultsidi, A.; Pavlidou, E.; Papadopoulou, S.K.; Papandreou, D.; Giaginis, C. Can Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis and BMI Be a Prognostic Tool in Head and Neck Cancer Patients? A Review of the Evidence. Cancers(Basel)2020, 12(3), 557. (2020)
  • 33. Mantzorou, M.; Vadikolias, K.; Pavlidou, E.; Serdari, A.; Vasios, G.; Tryfonos, C.; Giaginis, C. Nutritional Status Is Associated with the Degree of Cognitive Impairment and Depressive Symptoms in a Greek Elderly Population. Nutritional Neuroscience2020, 23 (3), 201–209. (2020)
  • 34. Antonopoulou, M.; Mantzorou, M.; Serdari, A.; Bonotis, K.; Vasios, G.; Pavlidou, E.; Trifonos, C.; Vadikolias, K.; Petridis, D.; Giaginis, C. Evaluating Mediterranean Diet Adherence in University Student Populations: Does This Dietary Pattern Affect Students' Academic Performance and Mental Health? Int J Health Plann Manage.2020, 35(1), 5-21. (2020)
  • 35. Tryfonos, C.; Mantzorou, M.; Fotiou, D.; Vrizas, M.; Vadikolias, K.; Pavlidou, E.; Giaginis, C. Dietary Supplements on Controlling Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms and Relapses: Current Clinical Evidence and Future Perspectives. Medicines(Basel)2019, 6(3), 95. (2019)
  • 36. Fasoulas, A.; Pavlidou, E.; Petridis, D.; Mantzorou, M.; Seroglou, K.; Giaginis, C. Eating Habits as a Common Risk Factor for Obesity and Oral Health Disorders in School Children. Austin J Nutri Food Sci.2019, 7(7), 1129. (2019)
  • 37. Fasoulas, A.; Pavlidou, E.; Petridis, D.; Mantzorou, M.; Seroglou, K.; Giaginis, C. Detection of Dental Microbial Plaque with Disclosing Agents in the Context of Preventive Oral Hygiene Training Programs. HELIYON.2019, Volume 5, Issue 7, e02064. (2019)
  • 38. Mantzorou, M.; Zarros, A.; Vasios, G.; Theocharis, S.; Pavlidou, E.; Giaginis, C. Cranberry: A Promising Natural Source of Potential Nutraceuticals with Anticancer Activity. Anticancer Agents Med Chem.2019, 19(14), 1672-1686. (2019)
  • 39. Pavlidou, E.; Mantzorou, M.; Fasoulas, A.; Tryfonos, C.; Petridis, D.; Giaginis, C. Wine: An Aspiring Agent in Promoting Longevity and Preventing Chronic Diseases. Special Issue Diseases2018, 6, 73. (2018)
  • 40. Pavlidou, E.; Petridis, D.; Tolia, M.; Nikolaos Tsoukalas; Antigoni Poultsidi; Aristeidis Fasoulas; George Kyrgias; Constantinos Giaginis. Device: An Estimating the Agreement between the Metabolic Rate Calculated from Prediction Equations and from a Portable Indirect Calorimetry Effort to Develop a New Equation for Predicting Resting Metabolic Rate. Nutr Metab (Lond).2018, 15, 41. (2018)
  • 41. Mantzorou, M.; Pavlidou, E.; Vasios, G.; Tsagalioti, E.; Giaginis, C. Effects of Curcumin Consumption on Human Chronic Diseases: A Narrative Review on the Recent Clinical Data. Phytotherapy Res, 2018, DOI: 10.1002/ptr.6037 (2018)
  • 42. Pavlidou, E.; Petridis, D.; Fasoulas, A.; Giaginis, C. Current Clinical Status on the Estimation of Energy Requirement: Searching for an Identical Equation to Predict Basal Energy Expenditure in Multiple Populations. Current Nutrition & Food Science,2018, 14, 1-11. DOI: 10.2174/1573401313666170714145028. (2018)
  • 43. Pavlidou, E.; Giaginis, C.; Fasoulas, A.; Petridis, D. Clinical Evaluation of the Effect of Blueberries Consumption on Chronic Diseases, Illness Prevention and Health Promotion. The Natural Products Journal,2017, 7, 1-9. (2017)
  • 44. Fasoulas, A.; Pavlidou, E.; Petridis, D.; Giaginis, C. Current Evidence for the Possible Interactions of Nutritional Behavior with the Development and Formulation of the Stomatognathic System within the Craniofacial Complex. J Food Nutr Disord,2017, 6:2. (2017)
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