• Urinary tract infection
  • Submitted on 30/08/2024

Dear Sir, I was seen by a doctor in Chile for urinary problems. She gave me an order for a urine test and an order for an antibiotic in case the result was positive (cefadroxil 500 mg). I have already received the result, but at the pharmacy they tell me that this medicine is not for sale in Athens. I would appreciate it if you could tell me which medicine I should take.

2 specialists answered

  • Good evening. I understand your concern regarding the medication and the urine test results. The truth is that before prescribing any antibiotic, it is important for a doctor to review the urine test results. The choice of treatment depends on the type of bacteria detected and their sensitivity to antibiotics.
    I recommend that you visit a doctor in Athens with your urine culture results so that the appropriate medication can be prescribed. I hope this helps.

    Αλ-Αχμάρ Σάμερ Νικόλαος

    Gynecologist - Obstetrician


  • You should visit a doctor with the test results and get a prescription for antibiotics if the test is positive.

    Σταύρος Αρουτζίδης

    Gynecologist - Obstetrician


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