• General topics
  • Submitted on 12/06/2023

Where and how can I get a copper IUD, and how much does it cost on average?

3 specialists answered

  • You should do a consultation with an obstetrician gynecologist

    Hatzidaki Valy

    Gynecologist - Obstetrician

    Neo Psychiko

  • Good afternoon. The cost of the IUD and its insertion can vary depending on your location and insurance coverage. However, a cost of 150 euros, which is a reasonable average for the procedure in many places without insurance coverage.

    Remember, it's important to have a consultation before the procedure to discuss if a copper IUD is the right choice for you. I can provide you with detailed information about the procedure and any potential side effects. Most of the time inserting a copper IUD (Intrauterine Device) is a straightforward process that can be done in a medical office.

    Please don't hesitate to reach out if
    ... Read more

    Αλ-Αχμάρ Σάμερ Νικόλαος

    Gynecologist - Obstetrician


  • Hi, you can get an IUD at your local pharmacy. The cost ranges from €30-€50

    Surios Konstantinos

    Gynecologist - Obstetrician


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