• General topics
  • Submitted on 21/12/2023

Χτύπησα το δάχτυλό μου και είναι μελανιασμένο και κρύο - Χρειάζεται γιατρός;

I injured my finger on Sunday and on Monday it began to bruise and swell slightly. I can move the finger fine, it only hurts if I squeeze a certain part of it. But the whole finger is now dark with bruise and it tends to be colder than the other fingers. Do I need to see a doctor or can I treat it somehow at home? I don't feel a break, so perhaps just a bad bruise?

3 specialists answered

  • You must come to the office, to check you by an x-ray. I think there must be a broken bone. I will be happy to treat you. Thank you so much.

    Στατήρης Σπυρίδων

    Ορθοπαιδικός Χειρουργός


  • If there is no deformity or pain present, most probably it is just an injury of soft tissue.
    Keep it protected for a few days and don't worry about the bruise, it's just some blood from the site of the injury that has leaked underneath your skin

    Αλαφροπάτης Ηλίας

    Orthopaedic - Orthopaedic Surgeon


  • I strongly recommend that an Orthopedic Surgeon must see you as soon as possible because except the possibility of a fracture, there is soft tissue in the anatomic area of the finger that is also very important

    Διακάτος Ανδρέας

    Orthopaedic - Orthopaedic Surgeon


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