• Fracture
  • Submitted on 29/12/2024

Rib Pain After 3 Weeks of Coughing: Causes and Relief Suggestions?

Hi! My coughing has now stopped after almost 3 weeks. Now I have a lot of pain in my ribs in my right site. It hurts a lot when I for example laugh or cough. In general it hurts a lot when I do any kind of movement. Is this like a “aftermath” of the constantly coughing I had?

3 specialists answered

  • Yes! The coughing caused contractions of the intercostal muscles (between the ribs) and that afterwards caused the si called intercostal neuralgia ( pain in the whole course of the ribs because the contraction causes entrapment of the nerve there. Hence use warmth and muscle relaxants

    Dr. Κούκος Χρήστος

    Orthopaedic - Orthopaedic Surgeon


  • That would be the most probable reason.

    Kalkanis Christos

    Ορθοπεδικός Χειρουργός - ​Τραυματιολόγος - Χειρουργός Σπονδυλικής Στήλης


  • It might be an aftermath or maybe a broken rib.
    If pain persists you should have an x ray performed

    Αλαφροπάτης Ηλίας

    Orthopaedic - Orthopaedic Surgeon


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