• Diet and nutrition
  • Submitted on 27/07/2024

hello, I have stretch marks and fat on my inner thighs and in general on my legs apart from my bulbs, while I'm underweight, I eat healthy, low fat and I exercise a lot with weights. why is this happening?

3 specialists answered

  • Stretch marks and localized fat deposits, especially on the inner thighs, can be frustrating issues, especially if you're maintaining a healthy lifestyle and are underweight.

    Balanced Diet: Ensure you are consuming a balanced diet that includes healthy fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Consider consulting with a registered dietitian to optimize your nutrition.
    Varied Exercise: Include a mix of cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility workouts in your routine. This can help reduce fat and improve overall muscle tone.
    Skin Care Routine: Look into creams specifically formulated for s
    ... Read more


    Dietitian - Nutritionist


  • It sounds like you're experiencing stretch marks and localized fat on your inner thighs despite being underweight, which can be attributed to several factors. Stretch marks often result from rapid skin stretching or hormonal changes, while localized fat distribution can be influenced by genetics and hormonal factors, even in individuals who are underweight. Muscle growth from weight training might also contribute to visible fat deposits. To address these issues, consider consulting a specialist for a tailored assessment. Additionally, using specific oils and undergoing lymphatic massage in the area, after discussing with a dermatologist, ... Read more

    Maria Vouvounikou

    Dietitian - Nutritionist


  • Stretch marks and localized fat can occur for various reasons, even if you're underweight and lead a healthy lifestyle. Here's a breakdown of possible factors:

    Stretch Marks
    Genetics: Your skin's elasticity and propensity for stretch marks can be largely genetic. If your parents had stretch marks, you might be more likely to develop them as well.
    Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormones, especially during puberty, pregnancy, or periods of rapid growth or muscle gain, can cause stretch marks.
    Rapid Changes in Body Composition: Even if you're underweight, rapid changes in muscle mass from weightlifting can
    ... Read more

    Kouvatsos Filippos

    Dietitian - Nutritionist


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