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Makris Panagiotis is an M.A Psychotherapist trained in the Person-centred approach; with the office being located in Cholargos. He graduated from the University of Nottingham, in the U.K, after completing his Master’s degree in Person-Centred Experiential Counselling & Psychotherapy. In 2018 he was chosen to be an active member and a therapist at the University’s research clinic - Human Flourishing Project (H.F.P), which remains up until today. Additionally, he was nominated as “mentor” for the new trainee therapist at the University’s research clinic. Furthermore, he holds the Emotion Focused Therapy (E.F.T) Level 1 & 2 certificates from both the University of Nottingham and the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. He attended multiple training courses, in practice, regarding anger issues on “How to help clients with their anger - a therapist’s toolkit”, working with suicidal tendencies on “KRD Training: working with suicidal clients” and also in working with anxiety and chronic stress issues on “CPD Training: Treating chronic stress”. Panagiotis completed the American College of Greece - Deree the graduate certificate program in psychology. He graduated from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki after completing his B.A in Social and Pastoral Theology; at the same time he completed multiple modules from the psychology department at the Aristotle University’s School of Philosophy. He is a recognised Psychotherapist by D.O.A.T.A.P and a registered member of both the National Counselling Society (N.C.S.) and the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (B.A.C.P - MBACP - Registered Member). Some of the topics that Person-centred Psychotherapy deals with are anxiety & stress, anger issues, addition issues, mental health issues, acceptance, panic attacks, sexuality, insecurities, inner peace and relationship issues.

  • Professional Identification Number: 153556178
The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


Relative Experience

  • Addictions
  • Depression
  • Διαταραχές άγχους και διάθεσης
8 patients' recommendations

Theoretical Approaches

  • Person-Centered Psychotherapy


Costs are indicative and will be determined on a case by case basis

Does not provide e-prescription

Patient Reviews

From 8 reviews
He/she investigated my illness/condition in detail
He/she was trustworthy
Experienced & qualified
Approachable & friendly

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Lampros • 1 review
Στην πρώτη μας συνεδρία ήταν πολύ φιλικός και πρόθυμος να μου εξηγήσει, καθώς άκουγε παράλληλα με προσοχή αυτά που το έλεγα.
01 March 2024

ΛΑΜΠΡΟΣ • 1 review
Μου δίνει την εικόνα ότι συλλέγει πληροφορίες για να στοιχειοθετήσει το προφίλ του ασθενούς του ώστε να είναι σε θέση να προτείνει την εγγύτερη ερμηνεία που αφορά τον κάθε ασθενή χωριστά. Δείχνει πρόθυμος να ακούσει τον προβληματισμό του άλλου και να αντιληφθεί το μέγεθος του προβληματισμού αυτού. Εύχομαι να υπάρξει μία παραγωγική συνεργασία και να έχουμε θετικά αποτελέσματα
28 December 2022

Κωνσταντίνα • 1 review
Εξαιρετικος με ηθος! Ο επαγγελματισμος η κατανοηση και η προσοχη που με αντιμετωπισε ο Κ.Μακρης με εκαναν να περιμενω την επομενη φορα! Αισθανθηκα αισιοδοξια και πραγματικη ελπιδα για τη βελτιωση της ζωης μου!
25 February 2022

Άρτεμης • 1 review
Εξαιρετικά κατηρτησμένος επιστήμονας δίνοντας πολύ προσοχή στη ψυχοσύνθεση και στα θέματα του ατόμου που έχει απέναντι του! Φιλικός ,σε κάνει να αισθάνεσαι εμπιστοσύνη και να αποβλέπεις δισταγμούς ώστε να αφεθείς να βοηθηθείς! Ο χώρος εξαιρετικά ζεστός και όμορφος!
25 February 2022

Nikos • 1 review
Excellent as a professional and as a person. He made me feel comfortable from the first moments.
16 January 2022

ΘΕΟΔΩΡΑ • 1 review
Αριστος επαγγελματιας και επιστημονας!Ξερει τον τροπο να προσεγγισει και να εστιασει στο προβλημα που σε απασχολει !Φιλικος και με ηρεμια ακουει με προσοχη σε πολυ ζεστο περιβαλλον!
16 January 2022

Αντωνιοσ • 3 reviews
Εξαιρετικός επιστήμονας και άνθρωπος! Σου εμπνέει εμπιστοσύνη και ασφάλεια. Με την πρώτη συνέδρια αισθάνθηκα ότι μπορώ να βοηθηθώ στο θέμα που με απασχολεί !
30 December 2021

Αλεξανδρα • 1 review
Εξαιρετικος επαγγελματιας που απο την πρωτη στιγμη σε κανει να αισθανεσαι ανετα μαζι του να αναλυσεις τους προβληματισμους σου. Η προσωποκεντρικη προσεγγιση φαινεται να μου ταιριαζει γιατι, με βοηθάει να εστιασω και να αναλύσω θεματα που εγω θελω να επιλυσω χωρις να γινεται κατευθυντικη η συνεδρια.Το περιβαλλον ειναι επισης ζεστο και φιλοξενο και βοηθαει στο να χαλαρωσεις!
22 December 2021

Contact and location

    • Address
      Faneromenis 8 - Emporiko kentro Plaza, Cholargos, Attica
    • Metro
      • 158m ΧΟΛΑΡΓΟΣ
      • 1,04km ΕΘΝΙΚΗ ΑΜΥΝΑ
    • Bus
      • 60m ΠΛ. ΦΑΝΕΡΩΜΕΝΗΣ
      • 185m 5Η ΧΟΛΑΡΓΟΥ
    • Access for people with disabilities
      • This location provides access to people with disabilities.
    • Parking
      • 552m EFTERPIS 43 PARKING
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Payment Methods

  • Payment Methods

    • Bank Card
    • Cash

    Appointment Policy

    • Payment at the practice

      During your visit, you can select the payment method of your choice from the options mentioned above.

    • Cancellation

      You can always cancel up to 3 hours before the appointment. For more information please read our cancellation policy.

Curriculum Vitae and Career


  • Person-Centred Experiential Psychotherapist , M.A in Person-Centred Experiential Counselling & Psychotherapy, University of Nottingham - United Kingdom, 2017-2020
  • Graduate Certificate in Psychology, Deree - The American College of Greece, 2015-2016
  • B.A in Social and Pastoral Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2009-2013

Professional experience

  • Psychotherapist, private practice, Cholargos
  • Person-centred Psychotherapist, University of Nottingham Research Clinic, Human Flourishing Project, 2018
  • Ψυχολογική Υποστήριξη, Κέντρο Εργασίας Αναπήρων - Άνω Λιοσίων, 2014

Organisations member

  • National Counselling Society (N.C.S.)
  • British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (B.A.C.P - MBACP - Registered Member)
Doctoranytime is an end-to-end solution that assists the user from the moment they experience a health symptom until the moment it is resolved, by enabling them to find the specialist they need, request guidance via chat and talk to them via video call. The information provided has been filled in by Makris Panagiotis and edited by the doctoranytime team.
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
mental health

What it is

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy applied to problems such as depression, anxiety disorders, abuse, relationship and marriage problems, eating disorders and serious mental illness.The therapist emphasizes what is happening in the current life rather than the past and what led to the difficulties.


Identifying the distortions in a person's thinking that are causing problems and then examining these in the light of reality. Understanding the behaviour and motivations of others and using problem-solving skills to deal with difficult situations. Dealing with fears rather than avoiding them. Role-playing to better prepare for potentially problematic interactions with others. You become your own self-therapist.

How it could benefit you

Helps the individual to change dysfunctional thought patterns and behaviors. Improves your functioning and quality of life by helping to change patterns and behaviours. Teaches you to be your own self-therapist.

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)
mental health

What it is

It is a form of psychotherapy that teaches a person to identify negative thought patterns and change them. DBT reinforces the acceptance that all your thoughts are valid, as they are part of your life experiences and who you are. The person acts by doing the best they can for the moment. It is used for people with suicidal behavior, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance use disorder, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, ADHD, depression, anxiety.


DBT focuses on acceptance and change. It helps the person to get to know themselves better, to think about why they do what they do, without judgment. Replacing a negative behavior or habit with ones that can improve the quality of life. Dialectic is the idea that two different things can be true at the same time. At the same time as accepting yourself exactly as you are, comes the recognition of your effort to change.

How it could benefit you

It helps you make positive changes in the way you act. It identifies your negative thought patterns and changes them, helping to make positive changes in the way you act. Teaches you ways to manage intense emotions and stressful thoughts when they occur.

Humanistic psychotherapy
mental health

What it is

Humanistic therapy is a form of psychotherapy in which self-awareness and self-acceptance are considered the keys to personal growth. It emphasizes creativity, collaboration and interaction between the individual and the therapist, using techniques such as role-play.


Each person is a combination of mind, emotions, body and soul with unique experiences and events. No single life event, personality trait or psychological diagnosis defines you.

How it could benefit you

It improves self-awareness and self-confidence, helps you understand how your past affects your present, how to deal effectively with stressful situations, improves human relationships and helps you better manage your emotions.

Psychodynamic psychotherapy
mental health

What it is

Psychodynamic psychotherapy is talk therapy that aims to understand current thoughts and feelings through the behaviours shaped by past experiences and the past. Understanding the past can help you avoid repeating unhelpful patterns that have existed in it and facilitate your quality of life alongside relief from distressing symptoms. It is used in depression, anxiety, interpersonal problems, addictions, trauma, eating disorders, personality disorder.


Psychodynamic psychotherapy provides a space to explore and understand how unhelpful patterns from the past may be influencing our current difficulties. Defence mechanisms are explored and how our feelings and behaviours in the present are shaped by our past experiences.

How it could benefit you

It helps people to live a healthier life. There may be things in a person's unconscious that they are not aware of that cause them pain or keep them stuck in the past. Identifying these and understanding them can lead you to move forward.

Systemic psychotherapy
mental health

What it is

Systemic psychotherapy focuses on the interactions and relationships between the group to help them deal with any problems and move forward. It gives all group members the opportunity to explore their feelings and say what they think in a safe, non-judgmental environment. It is applicable to family conflict/problems, family dynamics, child and adolescent behaviour problems, addictions, anger management, mood disorders, anxiety, eating disorders.


Therapy seeks to identify deep-rooted patterns within the individual's relationships and with group members. The process helps to uncover the ways in which members communicate and behave within a system, based on beliefs about their respective roles. Circular questions, narrative techniques, reframing and restructuring are used.

How it could benefit you

It helps to understand and improve the dynamics within the family and relationships. Changes dysfunctional patterns of communication and behaviour in the system, enhances empathy, helps build stronger relationships and pushes the team to overcome their problems.