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Why she is suitable for you

Eria Chourdaki MSc is a Neuroscientist - Psychotherapist based in Exarchia. She is trained as a Gestalt psychotherapist. Her focus is on the individual aiming to create a safe environment to build an authentic relationship and alliance to work towards self-growth and strengthen.

Eria has lived in London for ten years where she studied in the Institute of Psychiatry Psychology and Neuroscience at King's College London. She gained an MSc in Applied Neuroscience, worked for UK Government and earned a student fellowship in Germany, in the Institute of Neurosciences and Medicine at Forschungszentrum Julich. Due to significant adverse family circumstances she returned to Athens and trained for four years as a Gestalt psychotherapist. She is currently working as a psychotherapist at her own private practice in Athens.

As a "survivor", she works with any type of addictive behaviour, trauma, shame, guilt and their connection and relation in the formation of Being, Personality and interaction with others. She sees as addiction not only the dependency from illicit substances; to her, addiction is part of daily life referring to habits, relationships, patterns that are repeated compulsively and excessively on a day to day basis.

However, Eria's work is not limited to the above as she works with populations within the autistic spectrum disorder, and a wide range of pathologies since she offers her services to solidarity and psychological support initiatives in Athens.

Eria works with adults (18+) from all backgrounds individually or in groups and offers face-to-face sessions or online.

Her hours are Monday to Friday, 9am - 6pm, as well as Wednesday and Thursday evenings (until 9pm).

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


  • Treatment of traumatic experiences
  • Individual psychotherapy
  • Ομαδική ψυχοθεραπεία
  • Online counselling
  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Personal development and relationship problems
  • Εθισμοί
6 patients' recommendations


Costs are indicative and will be determined on a case by case basis

Does not provide e-prescription

Patient Reviews

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From 6 reviews

Reviews by 6 patients
He/she investigated my illness/condition in detail
He/she was trustworthy
Experienced & qualified
Approachable & friendly
  • All (6)
  • Positive (6)
  • Neutral (0)
  • Negative (0)
24 September 2024
Verified patient
Verified Review 1 review in doctoranytime
Approachable & friendly
Experienced & qualified
He/she was trustworthy
He/she investigated my illness/condition in detail
Eria accommodates my needs, she is there when I need to have my voice heard.
24 September 2024
Verified patient
Verified Review 1 review in doctoranytime
Approachable & friendly
Experienced & qualified
He/she was trustworthy
He/she investigated my illness/condition in detail
Βρίσκομαι σε θεραπεία με την Έρια πάνω από χρόνο. Από την πρώτη στιγμή ένιωσα οικεία μαζί της και με τον καιρό είναι ο άνθρωπος που θέλω να του εμπιστευθώ ότι με προβληματίζει καθώς ξέρω ότι θα με ακούσει χωρίς να με κρίνει. Μέσα από το διάλογο και τον πειραματισμό ανακαλύπτω διαφορετικές προοπτικές, που με ενδυναμώνουν και στηρίζουν στην καθημερινότητά μου.
18 September 2024
Verified patient
Verified Review 1 review in doctoranytime
Approachable & friendly
Experienced & qualified
He/she was trustworthy
He/she investigated my illness/condition in detail
I feel comfortable with Eria, I felt comfortable and able to connect with her from the very first moment I met her.
17 September 2024
Verified patient
Verified Review 1 review in doctoranytime
Approachable & friendly
Experienced & qualified
He/she was trustworthy
He/she investigated my illness/condition in detail
Αισθάνομαι ασφάλεια να συζητήσω άφοβα ότι με απασχολεί.
17 September 2024
Verified patient
Verified Review 1 review in doctoranytime
Approachable & friendly
Experienced & qualified
He/she was trustworthy
He/she investigated my illness/condition in detail
Eria is always there to listen to me.
17 September 2024
Verified patient
Verified Review 1 review in doctoranytime
Approachable & friendly
Experienced & qualified
He/she was trustworthy
He/she investigated my illness/condition in detail
Ένιωσα οικεία από την πρώτη στιγμή με την Ερια και αυτό είναι σημαντικό για μένα.

Access and Appointments

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  • Metro
    • 720m ΟΜΌΝΟΙΑ
    • 910m ΒΙΚΤΏΡΙΑ
    • 190m ΠΛ. ΕΞΑΡΧΕΙΩΝ
    • 190m ΑΡΑΧΩΒΗΣ
    • 280m ΝΑΥΑΡΙΝΟΥ
  • Payment Methods

    Bank Card

    Appointment Policy

    • Payment Options
      You can select online payment during booking or pay for the appointment at the specialist's practice.
    • Cancellation
      You can always cancel up to 3 hours before the appointment. In case of online payment you will receive a refund. For more information please read our cancellation and refund policy.

Curriculum Vitae and Career


  • Gestalt Foundation, Athens, Attended a 4 year educational training to become a Gestalt psychotherapist
  • Student Fellowship, Research Center Julich, Institute of Neurosciences and Medicine
  • BSc, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, History and Philosophy of Science
  • Μεταπτυχιακός τίτλος (MSc) Applied Neuroscience, Ινστιτούτο Ψυχιατρικής Ψυχολογίας και Νευροεπιστημών, King's College London

Professional experience

  • Ιδιωτικό γραφείο, Εξάρχεια, Αθήνα
  • Δημιουργός και επιστημονική υπεύθυνη, Προσωπικό πρόγραμμα:
  • Ψυχοθεραπεύτρια, Μονάδα για άτομα με διαταραχή του αυτιστικού φάσματος (ΚΔΑΠ-ΑμεΑ)
  • Ψυχοθεραπεύτρια, Πρωτοβουλία αλληλεγγύης και ψυχολογικής υποστήριξης "Συν-Ύπαρξη", Αθήνα
  • Ψυχοθεραπεύτρια, Ορφανοτροφείο που συντονίζει την ομάδα φροντιστών (Χριστοδούλειο)
  • Ψυχοθεραπεύτρια, Τοπική πρωτοβουλία ιατρικής και ψυχολογικής υποστήριξης (ΑΔΥΕ)
  • Φοιτητική υποτροφία, Ινστιτούτο Νευροεπιστημών και Ιατρικής, Forschungszentrum Julich

Organisations member

  • Hellenic Association for Gestalt Therapy (HAGT)
  • European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT)

Participation in conferences

  • 25th 4-day Gestalt Workshop, Gestalt Foundation
  • 24th 4-day Gestalt Workshop , Gestalt Foundation
  • 23rd 4-day Gestalt Workshop, Gestalt Foundation
  • 22nd 4-day Gestalt Workshop, Gestalt Foundation
  • 5th Panhellenic Conference of Philosophy of Science in Athens, University of Athens

Spoken languages

  • English
  • Greek

Academic research and publications

  • Cognition, Forschungszentrum Julich
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